News and Events

Nov 29, 2010

01/12/2010 Проектът УНИК – "Университетски научно-изследователски комплекс/УНИК за иновации и трансфер на знания в областта на микро/нанотехнологии и материали, енергийната ефективност и виртуалното инженерство", с договор ДУНК-01/3 официално стартира с трансфера на субсидията , предвидена за първата година от неговата реализация.

Oct 11, 2010

На 5 и 6 октомври 2010, за пета поредна година, в рамките на Дните на Джон Атанасов и Международната конференция AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS, се проведе International Symposium Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics'2010 в София. Изнесени бяха 21 доклада в 4 секции, с близо 50 участници. Представена бе новоиздадената монография на проф.Т.Нешков, и фирма СПЕСИМА-АД. Демонстрирани бяха 5 учебно-изследователски робота.



Work package 3: Research infrastructure development


  • Improvement of the engineering envioronment infrastructure
  • Supply, education in and exploitation start of micro/nano machining system using laser technology
  • Subsequent scientific equipment development, rendering on specific project tasks


WP3.Task1: Conception definition for technical and software tools update

WP3.Task2: Supply, education in and exploitation start of micro/nano machining system using laser or other electronic technology;

WP3.Task3: Integration of all components for effective work realization. Test samples for system environment verification

Foreseeable Risks:

  • Unbalanced infrastructure development, meeting the required standards for implementing research work in the field of the Virtual Engineering and micro technologies – staff experience as well as partners from Cardiff and Karlsruhe Universities that have better experienced in this field are good causes to accept this risk as minimal;
  • Imprecise and incomplete specification of the technical parameters – the partners have significant scientific and production experience (they have leading position in the country in the field concerned), and this ensures the minimization of such a risk ;
  • Problems of delivery and starting of the equipment – additional staff education is included as to decrease this risk.


WP3M1: Conception for technical and software tools update

WP3M2: Set in exploitation system for micro/nano machining using laser or other electronic technology;

WP3M3: Realized integration of all components for effective work achievement;

WP3M4: Evaluation of different test samples for system environment verification.


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