About Centre
The economical environment in Bulgaria and the existing experience so far give a reason to believe that it will be possible to create appropriate conditions for fast development of the innovative processes and systems/products directed both to more fundamental research activities and to support industrial companies, in particular SMEs, sharing resources and know-how with the university experts and other partners through a coalescence of the efforts of experts in the fields of mechanical engineering, electronics, solid state technology, robotics and control systems, applying also methods and tools of the Virtual Engineering (VE).
The “Centre of Excellence for Technology Development and Transfer" project proposal has been approved for funding by the National Science Fund, a supportive and consultative body of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science within the frame of "Centers of Excellence" Call. The implementation of the project (contract /Д002-106/28.12.2008) commenced in January 2009.
Currently, the Project follows its preliminary defined program related to the development of the above mentioned Centre of Excellence for Technology Development and Transfer.
The larger part of the activities, scheduled for the first stage of the Project (with duration of 1,5 years) and related mainly to the infrastructure of the Centre, has been completed successfully according to the initial plan. All activities related to the purchase of equipment and software has been completed within the first Project stage in order to set up an appropriate base and equipment for carrying out of the planed research work in all three fields: Virtual Engineering, MEMS and Mechanical Systems for Energy Recuperation.
Training of the participants in the Project team for using the specialized equipment has been carried out as well.
Professional experience has been exchanged with research teams of our partners from University of Cardiff, UK and K.I.T.-Karlsruhe, Germany.
Seminars and workshops have been organized for dissemination of the activities of the Centre and of the potential possibilities created as a result of its advancement.
The execution of the research activities in all three project fields has commenced as well, but their main focus will be within the next project stage, when the already developed infrastructure will enable their implementation( in accordance with the approved schedule).