News and Events

Nov 29, 2010

01/12/2010 Проектът УНИК – "Университетски научно-изследователски комплекс/УНИК за иновации и трансфер на знания в областта на микро/нанотехнологии и материали, енергийната ефективност и виртуалното инженерство", с договор ДУНК-01/3 официално стартира с трансфера на субсидията , предвидена за първата година от неговата реализация.

Oct 11, 2010

На 5 и 6 октомври 2010, за пета поредна година, в рамките на Дните на Джон Атанасов и Международната конференция AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS, се проведе International Symposium Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics'2010 в София. Изнесени бяха 21 доклада в 4 секции, с близо 50 участници. Представена бе новоиздадената монография на проф.Т.Нешков, и фирма СПЕСИМА-АД. Демонстрирани бяха 5 учебно-изследователски робота.


Microstructure prototyping system

The microstructure prototyping system is a part of the special equipment planed for purchase in relation to the research base enhancement of the Centre within frame of the current Project.

An appropriate machine of high precision and quality has been selected for purchase and delivery which can produce physical prototypes through material addition (layer after layer) directly from its 3D computer model. The result of such prototyping technique is production of fully functional fit parts from nontoxic plastic and wax materials (ABS, PA GF, PP, paraffine, technical wax). The produced prototypes can be used for casting with melting models, for producing of high precision parts from precious metals, aluminum, steel, titan, superaloys or for replication of silicon moulds.

An important requirement to the microstructure prototyping system was to provide possibility for application of layers with different thickness in accordance with the necessary precision.

It is planed that the machine shall be used for research purposes in the field of MEMS and demonstrations and study.

The supplier of the microstructure prototyping system, “IB-Prokad” Lybliana, Slovenia, has been selected through a public procedure in accordance with the Public Procurement Law (ЗОП). A contract for delivery of the SolidScape R66+ system, produced by CAD Blu, USA has been concluded.

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