News and Events

Nov 29, 2010

01/12/2010 Проектът УНИК – "Университетски научно-изследователски комплекс/УНИК за иновации и трансфер на знания в областта на микро/нанотехнологии и материали, енергийната ефективност и виртуалното инженерство", с договор ДУНК-01/3 официално стартира с трансфера на субсидията , предвидена за първата година от неговата реализация.

Oct 11, 2010

На 5 и 6 октомври 2010, за пета поредна година, в рамките на Дните на Джон Атанасов и Международната конференция AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS, се проведе International Symposium Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics'2010 в София. Изнесени бяха 21 доклада в 4 секции, с близо 50 участници. Представена бе новоиздадената монография на проф.Т.Нешков, и фирма СПЕСИМА-АД. Демонстрирани бяха 5 учебно-изследователски робота.


Demonstration of activities and development of the Centre of Excellence

A short presentation was performed on 29-Apr-2010 in front of Automatics & Informatics Union members. Major activities in the “Centre of Excellence, Development and Technology Transfer” for the first 1.5 years of the project were presented.

All attendees were informed about the built research infrastructure and research opportunities that will provide it. A brief presentation was made on tasks and projects implemented in three directions of the Centre - MEMS, virtual engineering and systems for energy recuperation.

Key parameters and achievements worldwide were presented synthesized for each of these research directions.

Finally, it was highlighted the training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, the development in research in three directions and the ability to create new and strengthen existing links between similar research units in various foreign universities.

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