News and Events

Nov 29, 2010

01/12/2010 Проектът УНИК – "Университетски научно-изследователски комплекс/УНИК за иновации и трансфер на знания в областта на микро/нанотехнологии и материали, енергийната ефективност и виртуалното инженерство", с договор ДУНК-01/3 официално стартира с трансфера на субсидията , предвидена за първата година от неговата реализация.

Oct 11, 2010

На 5 и 6 октомври 2010, за пета поредна година, в рамките на Дните на Джон Атанасов и Международната конференция AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS, се проведе International Symposium Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics'2010 в София. Изнесени бяха 21 доклада в 4 секции, с близо 50 участници. Представена бе новоиздадената монография на проф.Т.Нешков, и фирма СПЕСИМА-АД. Демонстрирани бяха 5 учебно-изследователски робота.


Robotics day in Technical University – Sofia

On March 23, the exclusive interest of students and professors in the field of robotics crowded the room "Professor Mihail Konstantinov Spirov "of TU. The holiday is associated with the 89 anniversary of the professor - the father of Bulgarian Robotics and it is supported by his numerous students and followers.

Traditional academic presentation was devoted to laboratory "CAD / CAM / CAE in Industry" activities by its head Dr. Georgi Todorov. The high activity of the unit, valued last year by three prestigious national awards, had been illustrated with a series of innovative projects. Particular interest was shown in the development of innovative Centre of Excellence for research, development and technology transfer and training oriented to the future knowledge based economy. It integrates research in three areas - micromechanics and MEMS, virtual engineering and simulation and systems for energy recuperation and it corresponds to the strategic plan of the University for future development.

Dr. V.Zamanov presented four works of PhD students from the Faculty of robotics equipment in the second part of the meeting:

- Multi-sensor personal mobile robot – by MSc Eng. V. Nikolov,

- Mobile navigation system - Amigobot – by MSc Eng. P. Nedelchev,

- The gait of a humanoid robot "Condi" – by Mr. V. Valkov,

- Rough terrain crawler robot – by MSc Eng. A.Arsov Eng and by MSc Eng. A. Pavlov.

A natural discussion and exchange of ideas was performed as it is traditional for Robotics Club.


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