News and Events

Nov 29, 2010

01/12/2010 Проектът УНИК – "Университетски научно-изследователски комплекс/УНИК за иновации и трансфер на знания в областта на микро/нанотехнологии и материали, енергийната ефективност и виртуалното инженерство", с договор ДУНК-01/3 официално стартира с трансфера на субсидията , предвидена за първата година от неговата реализация.

Oct 11, 2010

На 5 и 6 октомври 2010, за пета поредна година, в рамките на Дните на Джон Атанасов и Международната конференция AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS, се проведе International Symposium Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics'2010 в София. Изнесени бяха 21 доклада в 4 секции, с близо 50 участници. Представена бе новоиздадената монография на проф.Т.Нешков, и фирма СПЕСИМА-АД. Демонстрирани бяха 5 учебно-изследователски робота.



Work package 6: Scientific, research and educational activities for high achievements and innovations


  • Accumulation of new scientific knowledge and technology transfer for education, oriented to future knowledge based economy
  • Conditions and environment development for scientific and applied research projects in MEMS area and energy recuperation systems as to increase competitiveness of TU and SME in Bulgaria
  • Young specialists training in virtual engineering


WP6.Task1: New scientific knowledge accumulation and technology transfer for education, oriented to future knowledge based economy by development of didactic and demonstrative materials for education of PhD students, researchers and young scientist as well as work assistance in concrete research projects

WP6.Task2: Development of conditions and environment for scientific and applied research projects in MEMS area and energy recuperation systems as to increase competitiveness of TU and SME in Bulgaria

WP6.Task3: New educational disciplines implementation for education of young specialists in virtual engineering and micro/nano technologies fields.

Foreseeable Risks:


  • Important risks concerning planned activities are not expected because of accumulated already considerable experience of all involved in the project teams in this field



WP6M1: Developed didactic and demonstrative materials for education of PhD students, researchers and young scientist in concrete research projects

WP6M2: Built conditions and environment for scientific and applied research projects in area of MEMS and energy recuperation systems with provided access for external organizations and companies

WP6M3: Two new educational disciplines will be introduced for young specialists education in the field of virtual engineering and micro/nano technologies

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